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Pushing to an Azure Container Registry from Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is full of great wizards and helpers to make life of the developers easy. One of them is setting up a service connection to an Azure Container Registry. When you go to the Service Connections of your Azure DevOps project and create a new Docker Registry Connection, it gives you a nice dialog […]

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Distribute your blessed ARM templates with Universal Packages in Azure DevOps

There is a fine-grained balance between full autonomy of a team and arranging things on a more central level.  One of the things I talk about, when I talk about shifting to Rugged DevOps, is the use of blessed libraries, scripts and templates. As an example, if all your teams write their own logging library, you […]

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Where to start with DevOps Metrics?

Now that more and more teams and organizations are moving towards a DevOps way of working, I get asked the question “What should we measure?” a lot. To be very honest, I find this a very hard question. The main reason is that metrics are always a point of discussion and a trigger for behavior […]

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First encounters with creating a Managed Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) on Azure

Yesterday Microsoft announced in this blogpost thatr the public preview for a Managed Kubernetes Cluster (AKS) is now available. I directly wanted to test this and followed the steps in the blog. They work but I ran into a few tiny errors which were easy to solve if you know where to look. First thing you […]

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Running a Linux VSTS Agent on Azure Container Instances

About 3 weeks ago, Corey Sanders ( announced in his blog that Azure Container Instances is in private preview. I think that this new Azure service is very promising. In a nutshell, it is a hosted and managed Container cluster. The only thing you need to take care of is to create a container image […]

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Publish symbols to Azure File Storage with the VSTS Hosted Agent

A while ago I migrated a lot of builds to the Visual Studio Team Services Hosted Agents. This works great. We reduced the number of build servers and agent on-premises and can now easily scal up and down. But .. as it goes… there is always that next thing on the list. In my case […]

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Shrink the physical size of an Azure Virtual machine VHD

At a customer I am helping to set up a pipeline to spin up a complete new environment every night. The environment consists of multiple machines. 2 of the machines are preconfigured and cannot be automated (not now at least) with ARM and DSC to create everything from code (which is of course the best […]

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Create a Windows Docker Host and connect to it without Visual Studio

I have been exploring Docker on Windows for a while because I think it is very promising that containers can run on the Windows platform as well. I’ve also written  a few posts already about Docker but this one is all about creating a Windows Docker Host on Azure and connect to it. Why does […]

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Use Visual Studio Team Services Build to manage your Azure Resource Groups

If you, just like me, have a MSDN subscription you are also provided with some serious Azure Credits. Because I am a Microsoft MVP I received the MSDN Enterprise subscription, allowing me to run 130 euro worth of Azure services. Because I do a lot of demos and experiments I always have a couple of […]

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