Archive | September, 2014

Tweaking the TFS Web Access Client

Originally posted on Jasper Gilhuis:
Recently Microsoft released a great usability tweak to the Web Access Client on Visual Studio Online. It allows users to use the rich text editor in full screen mode. This allows users to utilize the most out of their big screens and allows users to have a better editing and reading experience…

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Silently install and configure a TFS Build server with Powershell DSC

A while ago Powershell Desired State Configurations (DSC) was introduced. Powershell DSC allows you to create a configuration of a specific machine in a powershell file. The Powershell engine takes care of rolling out this configuration. This configuration snippet makes sure a IIS is present. If it already is it stops, if not, it installs […]

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Create a Trend chart in Visual Studio Online

As you might have noticed from some of my previous posts on this blog, I really like reports. I wrote about how to customize them (here, here and here), how you should use them in your ALM implementation and how to use PowerPivot to your advantage. When you read these posts, you probably will not […]

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